Monday, August 9, 2010

Puzzle Piece 7: Morality - It's all Relative, Baby!

Puzzle Piece 7: Moral Relativism

This is the first four parts of a six part study into the issue of morality - right and wrong, good and evil. We will be spending the next four sessions discussing the issue of moral relativism, beginning with an investigation into what it actually is, then we'll move into a look at evolutionary accounts of morality and will finish up in part six with the question of why God allows evil to exist. These first four parts of this series follow the “It’s all Relative, Baby!” series used by Brett Kunkle (our thanks to him for this material – find it at under “Parent/Leader Materials”). These are really important issues that require a slow and careful approach (hence the six part series...) and are some of the most important questions we need to ask ourselves in the 21st Century. I recommend you download all four and work your way through them at your own pace.